We're so glad you decided to check us out.
Our mission is to serve our community by living out Biblical principles in our day-to-day lives. But can we be honest? We're kind of a mess, in that we try, but we recognize we are always in need of grace. So we hope that should you consider joining us, you'll do so not expecting perfection, but instead knowing that you can be yourself as we experience God's perfecting process in our lives.
From our Pastor Kelly Ryan:
Pastor’s Report (1/17/21)
What started out as a normal year, 2020 brought with it some things we never thought we’d have to deal with. Due to a Covid-19 Pandemic we were called to stop in person gatherings. Some of the side effects that occurred were the emotions that it brought about such as bouts of anger, disgust, frustration, wonder and uncertainties. On the flip side though, it also brought about some positive outcomes. The quick work and setup of our ability to go virtual with Facebook live and the use of YouTube for showing our services, the sermons along with a video on how a person can come to Jesus Christ for Salvation. Mitchell White has been invaluable in making this possible. As I’ve talked to other pastor’s, what a blessing this technology has been for us. We were also able to put some sermonettes on the website. Thanks to Pastor Hopkins and Jeff Schmitt for their sermonettes too. Note; this is an area that I would like to expand on as well.
In May, we started meeting again in person. With the plea to wear a mask, social distancing and to congregate outside in the parking lot, it pretty much went unheeded. You all were so happy to be back together and the hugs and love that went around was too much for a virus to cling to. I had noticed a change in most of the church family on how fellowshipping with the family of God was a blessing and it brought with it a closer knit group. Praise God!!
Then in the middle of November, due to the rising cases of COVID-19 in West Michigan, we went virtual again for the safety of our church family for a set period of three weeks. It was during that time that we had the largest amount of our members come down with the Virus. Praise God all have come through it.
After coming back together, I think a highlight was the dinner that David and Carolyn Brooker hosted, funded and served our church family. As I sat there and fellowshipped that evening I was so glad to be a part of the family of God here at Unity Baptist church.
This year we find ourselves entering 2021 with times of high tension in the United States. The virus is still around and apparently mutating but one thing is for certain, we are children of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, who holds the whole world in His hands and He is holding us too, in love and with the expectation that we will be faithfully and confidently making a difference in each other’s lives and in our community for Jesus Christ and His amazing church.
May God richly bless you all,
Pastor Jerry Hopkins and
Pastor Kelly Ryan
We understand how these times have caused unexpected hardships for many people. We would like to help you out. If you find yourself here and you need food, clothes, emotional help, please contact us in any one of the following ways: email Pastor Kelly Ryan at Kelly.ryan@ubcwayland.org, or text or call and leave a voice mail at 269-330-2217. Leave your name, number, and a short message for any needs you may have and we will get back with you. Thank you.
Morning Worship Service: 9:45
Sunday School / Bible Study 11:15
Sunday Evening Service and Fellowship 6:00
Wednesday Evening Bible Study and Prayer 7:00
Please stay at home if you are sick or have recently been sick. We will be live streaming the morning service if you need to stay home.
Feel free to wear a mask.
“[So] make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.”
Who We Are
Our mission is to serve our community by living out Biblical principles in our day-to-day lives. We strive for perfection, but know that grace is needed. Click here to meet our pastoral staff and to learn a little bit more about who we are.
What We Do
In addition to our Sunday Services, we have programs for all ages. We believe discipleship is key to living out our faith, and our programs are one way we intentionally invest in each others' lives.